
Leeloo fifth element gif
Leeloo fifth element gif

The trickiest part, if you ask me, was to get the panty-bit to fit well. If you have a friend who can help you with this, it'll be easier, but since I lived in the middle of nowhere when I made this I did it myself. The one called "LeelooMeasurements" has lines indicating where you want to measure and you can fill in your own measurements.


OK, I've uploaded some pdf files that you can print to help you figure out where you need to take the measurements and schematics of the costume to see how it should look in the end. I used acrylic paint to paint the roots at the parting lighter, to make it look lke Leeloos hair.) In retrospect, mine isn't as messy as it should have been and I could have thinned out the wig more than I did. ( An orange wig - I used very diluted wood glue and hairspray to make dread locks on it. Talk to people in the craft or fabric store in your country to see what you have available there. I used the kind called Vliesofix that I could iron on. Some sort of (double sided) fabric adhesive. I got the one that comes in a small sheet and cut out my pieces so they exactly fit my needs. Velchro - the iron on kind is easiest to use, white. Sewing utensils: Measuring tape, thread, pins, needles, good pair of fabric cutting scissors, an iron is helpful etc etc.Ī dowel rod (not Ruby Rod, although you can never have too much Ruby Rod in your life! Super Green!) or something similar, about 1,5cm/1/2" thick, to help you turn the bandages inside out.

leeloo fifth element gif

So I would invest some time in finding a suitable fabric. It will be more difficult to get to fit snuggly and you will be less comfortable though. Ideally this is what you would use, but if you can't find it, you can probably make it from a non-stretch meterial. DON'T FORGET TO ADD THE SEEM ALLOWANCE!!!! You want a snow white, preferably somewhat stretchy (two way stretch if you can get it), thickish cotton fabric, like a stretchy cotton twill, the kind a pair of thinner, stretchy cotton pants would be made of. I guess you could hand stich this, but a machine will make your life sooo much easier.įabric: NB! I would advice you not to buy the fabric before you made your mock up and can lay your fitted pieces out to see how much fabric you will actually need. I had to adjust quite a few things before making the final version. If you do get the good, thick twill, it will not be very cheap so you might want to use the old sheet to mess up before cutting into your good fabric. Or use any scrap fabric to make a mock up of your costume that you can pin/stich together and fit on yourself before starting cutting into your actual fabric. If you use a normal pen, make sure you draw on the wrong side of the fabric so you dont mess up the right side with pencil marks.Īn old sheet - optional, but will save you a lot of grief. Some kind of paper - a roll of brown paper, larger sheets or just tape several sheets of regular printer paper together if you dont have large enough sheets to draw out your pattern.Ī pencil/pen - I really like the kind that fades away by itself after 24 hours. It needs to fit snuggly, but not too tightly - after all the Supreme Being is able to move like a ninja wearing it, so should you be. Depending on your body type, you may need to adjust the width of the bandages so you feel comfortable wearing it. Who doesn't want to be the supreme being - if only for one night.? This is a fairly easy costume to make, not very expensive, but you do have to be thorough taking the measurements and fitting it as you make it, so it stays in place while you are wearing it.

leeloo fifth element gif

Leeloo Dallas Multipass! The Fifth Element by Luc Besson is my all time favorite movie, and Milla Jovovic my big crush.

Leeloo fifth element gif